May 10, 2016

Professional Seminar

Today I attended a professional seminar in Cherry Hill, NJ for work to gain more knowledge around leadership, communication and management. I found it to be an extremely informative session and would recommend it to all professionals within any industry. SkillPath's Excelling as a Manager or Supervisor Seminar, led by Janet Kirch, covered a variety of topics including personality assessments which is what I found to be one of the most interesting aspects. While I am not a manager or supervisor by title, I have had a great deal of experience managing projects, specifically brand websites, that include working with others, delegating tasks and overseeing the entire process while checking in with my manager. The seminar was filled with 79 other professionals, most were managers, but some were not and all came from a variety of employers. I am looking forward to reviewing the booklet we went through today and applying newly learned skills in the work environment. Overall, my goal is to have a better understanding of different personality types and how to communicate and engage with those different personalities to focus on the overall company mission. It was a great day and I look forward to future seminars.

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