May 09, 2016

AmericanMuscle Catalog: Customer Spotlight Editorials

Above are the three Customer Spotlight editorial articles that are within the insert of the 3 different versions of AmericanMuscle catalogs that arrived in mailboxes all over the US today. The first image of the yellow 2015 GT Mustang has a similar design to what I have shown in a post before. This is one of the most successful designs since it features several images in addition to a large image. I intend to design more like this in the future to show several photos of the customer car instead of just one or two like the others shown above. Customer Spotlights can be more difficult when it comes to design freedom because these rely heavily on the photo assets. These photos are all taken by their owner and submitted to our Marketing department, so the reliability of perfect assets is not guaranteed. The Marketing team does a great job at selecting the customer cars that are photographed the best, which makes my life easier. The copy is written in house and provided, along with a list of product skus to include with product images. Editorial pieces are one of my favorite pieces to design and it allows me to brainstorm and inspires me to create different layouts each time. I am currently designing the next series of Customer Spotlights for our next catalog drop, so there will be more of these designs to come!

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