July 04, 2021

Lancaster Archery YouTube Thumbnails

Each fall bow companies work hard to launch their new bows for archery enthusiasts to get excited about and head out to their local pro shops. Lancaster Archery Supply will get these bows in and do thorough bow review videos. The content of these videos is unmatched, and they get a lot of views on YouTube. One way we improved these pieces of content this past year was to create custom YouTube thumbnails for our bow reviews. I essentially created a template to include the LAS logo, the bow brand, bow name, a screenshot of the bow in the video and then a clipped image of the bow from a product photograph. Most of these product bows are outlined to really pop off of the video thumbnail and stand out.

We noticed a significant increase in clicks with these custom thumbnails as it really makes it easier on the viewers to know exactly what they are ready to watch. When you look at these thumbnails in a sea of others on YouTube, they truly do pop.

Below are a few of the thumbnails I had created in the past year to increase viewer engagement.

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