June 27, 2016

Turn5 Block Party

Saturday was the annual Turn5 Block Party. The summer party is always a good time when you get to have a fun day outside with the people I work with. I happened to also do a lot of the creative for the party including the logo, fliers, internal web posts, employee car show ballots, etc. Last year a committee was formed to brainstorm ideas for the party that would make it enjoyable for all. Various people from various departments went back and forth on the name and eventually landed on "Block Party". With that I was set out to design a logo that represented a fun, family-friendly party. I landed on an idea of sketched signage being the overall shape and a blocky slab-serif for the font, (I'm a total sucker for a solid slab-serif typeface). 

For the information that would go on a poster, I decided to just add more signs to the post. Details such as the date, time and location would get their own sign. At the time the Turn5 logo was red, black and grey so those were the party theme colors as well. Below is the 2015 poster and the 2016 poster. Both are extremely similar with some subtle differences.

Our in-house vinyl department took the signage a step further and printed out directional signage for the event. These graphics were printed, applied to wood and attached to poles throughout the event providing as navigational signage. They fit the theme of the party extremely well and also functioned well for guests to find different activities and events.

Once again everything came together for the party, and it was a successful event at Turn5, Inc.

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