August 15, 2016


I'm proud to report that the Eighth Annual AmericanMuscle Mustang Show, tagged #AM2016, was a total success. A team of us spent a solid three days setting up for the show in blistering heat and the day of was no cooler. A big shout out is deserved to all of those who showed up to join in on the fun on that hot Saturday. All in all the show went very smoothly and people had a blast. 

Most of the set up days involved setting up and organizing the three novelty tents that displayed various shirts, tanks, hats and pet items. Below is a shot during set up.

It was awesome to see some of my most recent apparel designs sell out. It was even better to see them sprinkled throughout the crowd. We got some feedback on what items customers would like to see, so we'll go back to the drawing board, and come up with some new designs and items for next year.

Clean up went pretty smoothly as I handled most of the vinyl banners-taking them down, organizing them and getting them back into the tubes to be sent back to the warehouse for next year's event. Maple Grove proved to be a great venue once again and I am thrilled to have been apart of the show. A chunk of money was raised for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and a wish was granted that day at the show. The other events were a hit as well. Now it's time to recap for what we can do better for next year and soon enough we'll be planning for the ninth annual show! Until then, we're all going to take a mental rest from it all!

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