June 27, 2011

Trailer (re)Wrap

One of my tasks at the Baltimore Grand Prix has been to create a design that will spruce up the current trailer that is sitting downtown on display.  Below are the two different sides of the trailer that will hopefully be re-wrapped soon.  One side showcases the IZOD IndyCar Series, and the other displays the American LeMans Series.  Both professional racing series will be racing on the streets of Baltimore in the 3-Day "Festival of Speed" Labor Day Weekend, September 2-4, 2011 for the Inaugural Baltimore Grand Prix!

Half Page Advertisement for Attractions

Fly Over Advertisement

Going to Ocean City, MD anytime this summer?  If you are there during the weekend from 3-5pm from now up through August 28th, look up in the sky!  You may just catch my finalized fly over banner advertisement for the Baltimore Grand Prix!  Of course if you do happen to see it - let me know:)

June 14, 2011

Baltimore Grand Prix - "Festival of Speed" Video

Thought I would share a video created at the Baltimore Grand Prix about the three day weekend of the Festival of Speed.  While I did not have any part in producing this "teaser" of the exciting racing action that will be Sept. 2-4,  I will be posting some of my work on this blog soon!  So what are you waiting for?  Buy tickets already!  
Share this youtube link: http://youtu.be/pg5bk3mQIsY

June 13, 2011


The following are sample images of the 50 page Form/Counterform book I created for my typography class this past semester.  The focus is on cropped letter forms of six different typefaces.



June 07, 2011

Join the BGP Checkered Flag Club!

Join the Checkered Flag Club at baltimoregrandprix.com (enter your email address in the top right corner) to see great updates & view my lovely banners at the top;)

June 05, 2011

Orbit Spotlight Series "MyFruit Pack" Design Contest Submissions

With the Orbit Gum Package Design Contest at a close, below are the two designs I submitted.  They are inspired by a sketch I drew in my sketchbook this past year.  The first design includes the 3 mandatory colors, with parts of the design using transparent colors.  The 2nd design strictly uses the 3 colors allowed (in case transparency colors & white are not allowed).  Finalists for this contest will be announced at http://spotlight.orbitgum.com on or around June 21st.