December 12, 2010

I've come to believe that it is impossible to avoid cliques during one's Freshman year of college, however, the three years that follow are all about breaking down those clique barriers and meshing together as it should be.

December 11, 2010

Fly High with FLY

Beer Packaging Final:
FLY beer is a unique honey lager from Hanover, Pennsylvania that prides itself in being the ultimate 'tailgating package' for Philadelphia Eagles Fans all over the nation.  The tailgating package includes six bottles of high quality beer, as well as, a CD that holds 99 tracks of the Eagles Fight Song.  What more could any Eagles fan want?  Fly High with Fly.

December 09, 2010

Input -> Output: An exhibition of interactive works

Input -> Output: An exhibition of interactive works.  The culmination of semester long independent projects ranging from robots to web applications and network art to games created in Jason Corace’s Projects in IxDA.

The show features pieces by:

Tricia Baugher
Bon Champion
Brett Grau
Ivan Loguin
Tabitha Morikis
Elena Roznovan
Andrew Walters

The exhibition will be on display on the second floor of the Brown Center from Friday, December 10th to Thursday, December 16th.

Reception will be held on the second floor of the Brown Center on Friday, December 10th at 5pm.

It's FREE and open for anyone and everyone to come and enjoy some fun interactive work!

View Facebook Event

Brown Center, MICA
1301 W Mount Royal Avenue
Baltimore, MD